Sunday, July 11, 2010

N.Y.C. - Scene 5: Curtain Down . . . . at least for this trip.

Just for fun shot. My favorite part of the city was Times Square and all the lights. Couple that with my obsessive love of all things chocolate and swirl in my delight in the fun and humorous and you can see why this was my favorite of all the billboards. I just counted, I took 39 pictures of this one, all in various stages of the little commercial it played, lol, good times! =)

Ahhhhh the magic cheesecake! I think I've mentioned how I have a thing for iconic foods. Well, in New York I had to have a hot dog from a street vendor (did that in Central Park - yummy), New York pizza (little cafe in Times Square) and of course New York style cheesecake. Peanut butter fudge, manamana!!! Sidenote-I just googled that to make sure I spelled it right and now I'm watching a clip from Sesame Street dated 1969 of puppets singing the song. Haha, I'm a dork! =)

YAY my favorite shot of the entire trip! Confession, it's a composite. I used a tripod and did a shot exposed for the lights then switched my settings and used a longer shutter speed so I could blur the Taxis in the lower right hand corner. I like the feeling of motion/action it adds. Times Square is not a static, hold still kind of place and I want to see/show that.

I loved Times Square. They have these bleacher/stair things set up there where you can just chill and watch everything going on. I would sit on those until they kicked us off at one a.m. listening to my iPod. I have two songs that I like to listen to when I'm doing one of my 'I'm in an exciting place having an adventure and I want to savor the moment' kind of things. Life Less Ordinary and What About Everything, both by Carbon Leaf. Sidenote two - totally stoked to be going to their concert at Kilby Court on the 19th. Especially because the venue is a total hole-in-the-wall. Perfect, Perfect, PERFECT!!!

Anyway, my trip was brilliant, amazing, and truly life changing, but that's an entirely different story. . . Loves!!! =)

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